We are Clare and Zac Gageler. We've been in ministry more than half our lives, and now we’re starting something new.
Partnering with SAINT and Revitalise (UK), we're starting the first Revitalise network church in Australia. It's called Neighbourhood. We will be a church in Perth, for the people of Perth.
We’re heading to London to learn as much as we can ahead of starting in 2025. We have such exciting things to share with you!
Connect with us to find out more...
We believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
We believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
Our vision is to play our part to see neighbourhoods renewed and cities transformed by the hope and love of Jesus.
We are a people of full of peace for a world crushed by anxiety and worry. We accept
Jesus’ gift of supernatural peace and allow it to permeate our lives, activities, plans and
dreams. We trust that the simple message and mission of the church is enough, that God has built his church throughout her long history, that he is continuing to so do in our midst, and will continue to do so long after us. We have no need to strive, fret or worry.
We love the whole church and recognise that it takes all part of the body to see God’s Kingdom come. We are generous with our resources, happy to share our best with those who need it in our church, our neighbourhood and the whole Church. None of us can fulfil our calling on our own, so we invite others to belong and share what we have.
We champion those whom God has gifted with divine imagination to innovatively bring his Kingdom to earth. In a world that has commodified creativity for financial gain and consumer preference, we are inspired and motivated by the Holy Spirit to be a prophetic witness of God’s love, power, beauty and hope.
In a world sick and tired of narcissistic leadership, Jesus has shown us a better way. Christ is the source of our confidence and our inspiration of humble leadership. Because of him, we can be fully authentic, recognising no one is better than anyone else. We choose not to puff ourselves up with the self-confidence of our old ways, instead enjoying the rich God-confidence that comes with being hidden in Christ.
We believe God for a vision shaped by him that we could never achieve on our own. We recognise we need great faith, determination and resilience. We will keep believing God for more, step towards innovation and Him to lead and guide.
Have you ever walked past a closed up church and wondered what's inside?
Or noticed the advertisements listing a church in Perth for sale?
‘An empty church building is like an empty palace of a long-forgotten king - people walk past and think that the king is dead’. Our driving mission is to show our neighbourhood that the King is not dead, he is very much alive, through the creation or renewal of multiple church communities. By reopening closed doors and renewing worshipping communities we are showing the neighbourhood that Christianity is a living, renewing faith.